DROID BLOG: Artists / Team, Droid Behavior, Droid Recordings

VIDEO: Droid Behavior Feature on FWD.DJ

Over the course of January and February, FWD.dj featured exclusive interviews from the core members of Droid Behavior consisting of co-founders Drumcell and Raíz, and techno heavyweights Luis Flores and Audio Injection (aka Truncate). On top of that they have each presented mixes of their own including some of the best uncompromising techno and raw house they’ve created and collected over the past few years. Jump ahead to catch exclusive video interviews of Drumcell and Raiz as they discuss production techniques, gear, and music as they see it today.

Drumcell Mix and Interview

Raiz Mix and Interview

Audio Injection Mix and Interview

Luis Flores Mix and Interview

Big UPS to the FWD.dj crew for the great interviews! Be sure to check out their recent interview with Lucy and his Stroboscopic Artifacts label.

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8 Responses to “VIDEO: Droid Behavior Feature on FWD.DJ”

  • Phat pharm says:

    this is good

  • aria says:

    nice piece

  • reyxn says:


  • Binous says:

    miles ahead

  • bios says:

    so much to say

  • Anonymous says:

    great job

  • tinea says:

    great vids…..really dig the endings

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