DROID BLOG TAG - Scott Pagano

February 13, 2012

MEDIA: Interface 34 aka 9 Year Anniv.

Media archiving Droid Behavior's celebration of 9 years existence is now available. Interface 34 occurred on December 17th 2011. Special guests included Speedy J and Silent Servant. Droid residents Raiz and Cell Injection also performed. Visuals were provided by Oktaform and Scott Pagano. Music by Planetary Assault Systems - Rip The Cut. Video By Dean Paul. Pictures CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL SET ON FLICKR CLICK HERE TO VIEW FULL SET ON FACEBOOK Video Info: 2011 | Interface...

February 23, 2010


CLICK TO VIEW VIDEO FROM INTERFACE 30 Droid's resident video-grapher Frank Garcia captures another epic night life experience from the Interface series. Here we take a glimpse from the Speedy J + Scott Pagano exclusive mutli-media performance from Interface 30 back in January. Enjoy.