Droid visualist Bryant Place has been selected among the ranks to join Richie Hawtin’s mutli-media crew for the upcoming Plastikman tour. He has been chosen as one of the winners via the Touch Derivative contest.
Bryant, who has been using Touch for only six months, has been very active in that period of time. Some of his work has already been profiled on the Derivative blog. The Derivative team sits down to chat with Bryant about his upcoming projects and techniques in the following interview.
Selected Media:
PlastikmanContest_2.179 demo via CPU VIMEO
PlastikmanContest_2.179 from CPU on Vimeo.
Plastikman Behind-The-Scenes at Coachella (Bryant Cameo) on URB
Plastikman Behind-The-Scenes @ Coachella from URB Magazine on Vimeo.
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